Sustainability Declaration

Media Opus Plus aims to realize a sustainable society by simultaneously resolving social issues and achieving corporate growth based on our corporate philosophy of “innovating people’s learning to make the world a better place. “

Creation of a Comfortable Working Environment

  • We will not make use of labor obtained through coercion, restraint, inhumane prison labor, slavery, or human trafficking.

  • We respect the right of employees to resign or terminate their employment voluntarily.

  • We will not exploit workers by charging fees for employment opportunities

  • We will not employ children who are below the minimum legal working age.

  • We will not allow young employees below the age of 18 to work night shifts, overtime, or undertake other hazardous work that may jeopardize their health or safety.

  • We will not enforce unfair labor practices in any form of employment.

  • We respect fundamental human rights and will not engage in any act that disregards human rights, including discrimination or harassment based on nationality, race, skin color, place of birth, gender, religion, disease, or (dis)ability.

  • We respect our employees’ collective bargaining rights as a means to facilitate labor-management discussions in accordance with the regulations.

2.Health and Safety

  • We will adhere to all applicable laws and regulations concerning occupational safety and health, and give due consideration to occupational safety and health in the course of our duties.

  • We will conduct occupational health and safety risk assessments to eliminate hazards and harmful factors.

  • We have established a system for training and promotion of occupational health and safety.


  • We will comply with environmental laws, regulations, and ordinances, and strive to reduce our environmental impact through initiatives aimed at preventing environmental pollution.

  • We will strive to conserve resources and promote energy efficiency, engage in recycling resources and use environmentally friendly products. We will also engage in other activities to continuously reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

4.Fair Trade and Ethics

  • The Company strictly prohibits any form of corruption, illegal political contributions, extortion, and embezzlement.

  • We will not tolerate promises, offers, or authorizations as a means of obtaining bribes or other inappropriate benefits.

  • We will comply with laws and regulations concerning fair trade.

  • We will respect the intellectual property rights of third parties.

  • We will strive for appropriate import/export management.



For any consulting requests and inquiries,
please do not hesitate to contact us.